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How to use your GPS device with GHS

GetHomeSafe was designed for monitoring work in remote and isolated areas where traditional cell phone-based systems may not be reliable or functional. This is possible with GPS device integration that uses satellite coverage.

Data from the app and GPS devices seamlessly synchronize through the GetHomeSafe server. This allows users to start and interact with a GetHomeSafe activity, even outside of cell coverage. This includes real-time tracking and communication.

Like the app, GPS devices record automatic check-ins and allow supervisors to send messages to the users assigned device from the web portal.

Please note, the time it takes to send and receive data from GPS devices via satellites is significantly longer than with cell coverage, sometimes taking up to 15-30 minutes.


Assigning a GPS Device

Assigning a GPS device to an activity means all commands and messages sent to the server from that GPS device will apply to that activity. Please ensure the correct device is assigned. If a device is assigned to an activity, it can be used in conjunction with the app.

If a device is currently in use it will not be available to select.


From the APP

GPS devices are assigned from the pre-start screen. Click the following article for more information GHS App - Pre-start Options


From the Web Portal

GPS devices are assigned from ‘External Device & Vehicle’ section of the New Activity page. Click the following article for more information GHS Web Portal - New Activity


Preset Messages

Some GPS devices come with three preset messages. This are quick commands which activate functions within GetHomeSafe activities. They are usually accessed from the devices menu.

Please note, these are GetHomeSafe’s preset messages. They may differ for different organisations.

  • Preset 1: I am OK: Sends an ‘I am OK’ check in (resets recurring timers).
  • Preset 2: Help: Triggers a Panic alert. Click the following article for more information GHS Alerts
  • Preset 3: Time Extension: Extends timer by 60 minutes (only applicable to activities with a “countdown” timer).


#commands activate functions within GetHomeSafe. All #commands return a system confirmation message that the command has been received and actioned by the server.

After a #command you can include details about what you are doing and this is displayed on your timeline. E.g #start heading to 123 hut, doing track work along the way

  • #start: Starts the quick-start GPS activity type assigned to your organisation.
  • #start[duration]: Starts a countdown activity with the set duration (in minutes). For example, #start120 will start a 120 minute countdown activity.
  • #start[duration]r: Starts a recurring activity with the set duration (in minutes). For example, #start120r will start a 120 minute recurring activity.
  • #start[duration]h: Starts a time of day activity with the set duration (in 24 hour time). For example, #start1845h will start an activity finishing at 6:45pm.
  • #extend: Extends timer by 60 minutes (only applicable to activities with a “countdown” timer) OR customise your extension by a specific time i.e. #extend360.
  • #test: Confirms a satellite connection is active.
  • #ok: Sends an ‘I am OK’ check in (resets recurring timers).
  • #timecheck: Confirms if an activity is active and returns a message including how much time is remaining.
  • #panic: Will trigger a panic alert within GHS
  • #homesafe: Finishes the GetHomeSafe activity.

Sending a #command

  • Navigate to ‘Messages’.
  • Select ‘New Message’.
  • In the ‘Type Recipients’ field enter ‘reply@gethomesafe.com’.
  • In the ‘Message’ field enter the #command.
  • Select ‘Send Message’.

SOS Alerts

SOS alerts are for GENUINE EMERGENCY USE ONLY. They are monitored 24/7 and trigger a response from first responders. This will also trigger a Panic alert in GetHomeSafe. All SOS alerts use the GetHomeSafe alert configurations, follow-up requirements, and escalation process to notify supervisors.

To activate an SOS alert, lift the flap, press and hold the SOS button. Depending on the device, confirmation may be required.