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Plans & Requests

Learn how to view plans and requests from users in your organisation and approve or decline requested activities.

This page displays planned and requested activities. Administrators can see all planned and requested activities, team leaders can see their team members planned and requested activities. Users can see their own planned and requested activities.

When an approval request is sent by a user, only the users admins or team leaders can approve or decline the request. They will all recieve an email. Within this is a link that allows them to approve or decline the request. The request incudes all activity details.


Access Plans & Requests

1. Login to the Web Portal

2. Select "Review"

3. Select "Plans & Requests

Filter and view planned and requested activities by user, activity type and name, created date, reviewed date, status, scheduled start and scheduled finish. Activity reports are available to download.

Select the three dots beside an activity to delete the activity.

Activity Statuses:

  • Planned: Activities that have been planned by a user or supervisor and can be started.
  • Awaiting approval: Activities that are awaiting review from a supervisor.
  • Approved: Activities that have been reviewed and approved by a supervisor can be started.
  • Declined: Activities that have been reviewed and declined by a supervisor cannot be started.

Before starting any planned or approved activities, check whether they have been scheduled with a specific date and time.


Approving an activity

1. In the Plans & Requests Menu, select the activity that requires approval

2. Here you can view activity details completed by the user including

  • Summary of their activity details
  • User's risk assessment answers as well as risk points and risk levels (if enabled)
  • Summary of their Journey
  • User's supervisors
  • External GPS Device (if applicable)

3. Once the user's activity information has been assessed, complete the approval by selecting "Complete approval". Here you can approve or decline the activity and write a comment regarding your decision. Once completed the user will be notified of the outcome as well as any notes provided.