Mass Messaging

Mass Messaging allows admins to create and send messages in bulk to users within their organisation. This is useful for notifying a group of users at once.

Creating a Mass Message

Admins can create mass messages. They do not need to be sent straight away.

  1. Log into the web portal.
  2. Select ‘Mass Messaging’.
  3. Select ‘New Message’.


Specify the title of the mass message within GetHomeSafe and enable communication methods. Users will receive the mass message via all enabled communication methods.

  • Email: Sent to users' email addresses.
  • SMS: Sent to users' mobile numbers (if available).
  • Push Notifications: Users logged into the app will receive a push notification.
  • GPS Device Messages: Sent to GPS devices assigned to an ongoing activity.

Scroll to the end of this article for more information about Welfare Checks


Email Content

Specify the subject and content of the email sent to users. The email communication method must be enabled.


SMS, Push Notification & GPS Device Message Content

Specify the content of the message used for SMS messages, push notifications, and GPS device messages sent to users. At least one of the three communication methods must be enabled.


When a mass message is created, it is added to the Mass Messaging table. Message details and communication methods can be edited. Recipient groups must be set first before it can be sent, allowing admins to filter which users will receive the mass message.

Filters include:

  • By team.
  • By user role.
  • By activity status.

Selecting the three dots beside ‘Send Messages’ incudes the options to duplicate or delete the message.


Sending a Mass Message

  1. Log into the web portal.
  2. Select ‘Mass Messaging’.
  3. Choose the desired mass message.
  4. Select ‘Add Group’.
  5. Set filters.
  6. Select ‘Add’.
  7. Choose ‘Send Message’.



Welfare Check

Sending a Welfare Check ensures all user's in the organisation are safe. If a Welfare Check is enabled, activities are started for all users in the organisation when the Mass Message is sent. If users have ongoing activities, their times will change to the length of the Welfare Check. An activity will revert back to its original timer after the Welfare Check is actioned. If the Welfare Check is not actioned in time an overdue alert is activated.

Users can confirm they are OK by checking in, extending their timer, finishing the activity, or actioning the link within email or SMS messages (if enabled).


Enabling Welfare Check



Timer: The Welfare Check timer sets the activity length.

Second message timer: The second message timer sets how long after Welfare Check is initiated before another message is sent (only if the user has not confirmed they are OK).