GHS Web Portal - Following Up Alerts

When an alert is triggered, supervisors must ensure the user's safety. In GetHomeSafe, this is referred to as a 'follow-up'. Follow-ups involve interactive actions that generate timeline events.

The primary goal of a follow-up is to inform fellow supervisors that someone is attempting to reach the user to ensure their safety. This process also includes updating other supervisors on the follow-up's progress and confirming if the alert was genuine or false.

Starting and completing a follow-up is not mandatory for cancelling or stopping alerted activities. It primarily serves informational purposes.


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Starting a Follow-Up

When an alert is triggered, a ‘Start Follow-Up’ button becomes available to any of the user’s supervisors when viewing the alerted activity. Any supervisor can start the follow-up. Once started, further alert notifications are stopped.

  1. Log into the web portal.
  2. Open the alerted activity from the Dashboard or Activities Log.
  3. A pop-up box will display when you click into the alerted activity, you can start the follow up here OR underneath the activity status card, select ‘Start Follow-Up’.


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Actioning a Follow-Up

GetHomeSafe refers to actioning a follow-up as the process of contacting the alerted user and making sure they are safe. Follow-ups can be done however supervisors like. Typically, the supervisor who started the follow-up actions it. Follow-up processes are a great way know what to do when following up on an alert. For more information about follow-up processes click the following article: GHS Web Portal - Follow-Up Process


Completing a Follow-Up

Follow-ups can be completed at any time. After the follow-up has started, the button changes from ‘Start Follow-Up’ to 'Complete Follow-Up'. Any supervisor can complete a follow-up. Completing a follow-up lets all other supervisors know that contact has been made with the alerted user. This can be done while the alert is ongoing or after it has been cancelled.