GHS Alerts

Overview of GHS Alerts: Panic Overdue Silent No Movement Missed Start Alert No Auto-Check-in Low Battery Alert Cancelling Alerts

GetHomeSafe offers several different alerts types. Each alert is triggered in a different way. Alerts inform supervisors that users require or may require assistance. Supervisors are responsible for following up alerts triggered by the users they monitor. Automatic check-ins will continue to be recorded from the app while an activity is alerted.


Panic Alert: 

Pressing the 'Panic' button in the app during an ongoing active activity triggers a Panic alert. This instantly notifies supervisors and changes the status of the activity from 'Active' to 'Panic'. An alert noise will sound if the device is unmuted.

  • Call Supervisor: Provides users with their team leader's phone numbers that they can call.
  • Cancel Alert & Finish: Cancels the alert and finishes the activity.






Overdue Alert: 

When an active activity's timer reaches zero, a Timer Expired screen is initially displayed in the app. An alert noise will sound if the device is unmuted.

Since Overdue alerts are not activated by users, the app must wait for the next sync to occur (which occurs every two minutes) to report the alert. Once a successful sync is made, an Overdue alert is triggered. This notifies supervisors and changes the status of the activity from ‘Active’ to ‘Overdue’.

  • Call Supervisor: Provides users with their team leader's phone numbers that they can call.
  • Panic: Escalates the alert to a Panic alert.
  • Cancel Alert & Finish: Cancels the alert and finishes the activity.
  • Cancel Alert & Resume: Cancels the alert and allows the user to resume the activity.





Silent Alert:

Silent alerts are used to discreetly notify supervisors that assistance is needed without others knowing. The app does not indicate that an alert has been triggered and no sound is made.

They are triggered when users enter their Silent PIN which is configured in the apps settings. See the following articles for more information:

GHS App - Access PIN & Silent PIN

Triggering a Silent Alert

  1. Minimize the app during an ongoing active activity.
  2. Re-open the app
  3. On the PIN screen, enter the Silent PIN.
  4. A dummy “Finish Activity” screen, which is coloured brown unlike the real ‘Finish Activity’ screen, will open.
  5. Press ‘Finish’. This will change the activity status from ‘Active’ to ‘Silent Alert’
  6. The Silent alert will be activated. The app will not visually display this.
  7. Press ‘Done’ to go back to the home screen.


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No Movement Alert:

If Motion Monitoring is enabled and a user's mobile device or V.Bttn stays motionless for the set alert time, a No Motion Alert is triggered. This notifies supervisors and changes the status of the activity from ‘Active’ to ‘No Movement’. An alert noise will sound if the device is unmuted.

  • Call Supervisor: Provides users with their team leader's phone numbers that they can call.
  • Panic: Escalates the alert to a Panic alert.
  • Cancel Alert & Finish: Cancels the alert and finishes the activity.
  • Cancel Alert & Resume: Cancels the alert and allows the user to resume the activity.

For more information about Motion Monitoring click the following article:

GHS App - Motion Monitoring


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Missed Start Alert

Missed start alerts are triggered one of three ways.


1. Activity Not Started on Time

If a user fails to start their scheduled activity before or at the designated start time, and no Grace Period is set, a missed start alert is triggered.


2. Grace Period Missed

If a user fails to start their scheduled activity before or at the designated start time, and a Grace Period is set for the organisation, they have a subsequent window where they can still start the activity. This Grace Period is a minute value. If the activity is still not started and the grace period has passed, a missed start alert is triggered.

For example:

  • A user has a scheduled activity at 12:00.
  • The user has not stated the activity by or at 12:00.
  • The Grace Period is set at 30 minutes.
  • The user can still start the activity between 12:00 and 12:30.
  • It is now 12:31, the Grace Period is over.
  • The user did not start the activity.
  • The activity is now Expired and cannot be started.
  • A Missed Start alert is triggered.

3. Finish Time Passed

If the duration of a scheduled activity (start to finish) is less than the Grace Period, and the activity is not started before the designated finish time, a missed start alert is triggered.

For example:

  • A user has a scheduled activity from 12:00 - 12:20.
  • The Grace Period is set at 30 minutes.
  • The activity hasn’t been started and it is now 12:21.
  • As the designated finish time has now passed, a Missed Start alert is triggered.


No Auto Check-in Alert

No Auto Check-In alerts are triggered when a users mobile device doesn’t record any automatic check-ins for a set period. When triggered, no alert screen is displayed on the app. These alerts cannot be followed-up.



  1. Log into the web portal.
  2. Select your profile (name) at the top right.
  3. Open ‘Settings’.
  4. Open ‘Notifications’.
  5. Scroll down to ‘Optional Alerts’.
  6. Set the ‘No Auto Check-In alert notifications’ threshold value.


Low Battery Alert

Low Battery alerts are triggered when a user’s mobile devices battery level meets a certain threshold. When triggered, no alert screen is displayed on the app. These alerts cannot be followed-up.



  1. Log into the web portal.
  2. Select your profile (name) at the top right.
  3. Open ‘Settings’.
  4. Open ‘Notifications’.
  5. Scroll down to ‘Optional Alerts’.
  6. Set the ‘Low Battery alert notifications’ threshold value.


Cancelling Alerts:

Cancelling and finishing an alert changes the status from 'Active' to 'Cancelled'. Location sharing stops after an alert is cancelled. Users can cancel alerts from the app or web portal. Admins and team leaders can also cancel alerts on behalf of users from the web portal if necessary.

Alerts should never be cancelled if the user requires assistance.

  • Panic alerts can be cancelled but not resumed.
  • Overdue and No Movement alerts can be cancelled and resumed.
  • Silent, No Auto Check-In, Low Battery and Missed Start alerts can only be cancelled from the web portal.