Risk Assessments

Risk assessments are questionnaires that users must answer prior to starting activities. This applies to the app and web portal. Their aim is to help identify potential hazards users may encounter.

Risk Assessments are assigned to activity types. When a user selects an activity type with an assigned risk assessment when creating an activity, they must answer all questions before the activity can be started. Answers are available to view from the web portal in a timeline event.


Creating Risk Assessments

Admins can create and manage risk assessments.

  1. Log into the web portal.
  2. In the left hand side menu, select "Configure"
  3. Select ‘Risk Assessments’.
  4. Select ‘New Risk Assessment’.


1. Risk Assessment Details

Enter the following:

  • Risk Assessment Name
  • (Optional) Risk Assessment Description
  • (Optional) Enable Dynamic question order - If enabled the order of questions presented to users will be random
  • (Optional) Enable risk levels - If enabled, restrictions can be placed on activities depending on answers provided by users.

2. Risk Assessment Assignment

Select when your Risk Assessment will be presented to the user, in GetHomeSafe this can be prompted at two different stages:

  • Planning - When a user is planning their activity for a future date
  • Pre-start - When a user is starting their activity

3. Risk Assessment Questions

A minimum of one question must be added to each risk assessment. Each question includes a title. Enabling dynamic order will randomly order questions when presented to users.

  • Free Text: Includes a free text field allowing user to write whatever they want.
  • Single Choice: Require users to select one option from a list of choices as their answer.
  • Yes/No: Users can only answer yes or no.
  • Agreement: The user must enable the option in order to start the activity
  • Multiple Choice: Users can select multiple options as their answer
  • Extended Text: Extended free text question and answer
  • Display Text: Displays question and content (non-interactive)


Risk Levels

Each risk assessment includes a ‘Risk Levels’ setting. If enabled, restrictions can be placed on activities depending on answers provided by users.

Risk Points

Risk points are assigned to single choice, multiple choice and yes/no question types. Depending on answers provided by users, they will accumulate risk points. The total number of risk points accumulated by a user determines their risk level.

Risk Levels

Risk levels include a points range and associated restriction, which can be modified. When a user falls under a specific risk level, the corresponding restriction will be applied when they attempt to start the activity.


If a restriction is met, users will receive a push notification. The content of the push notification is configurable.

  • Unrestricted: Users can start the activity.
  • Warning: Users will receive a warning push notification before starting the activity.
  • Approval required: Users must request approval for the activity.
  • Restricted: The activity cannot be started.



Risk Assessments Answers

The Risk Assessments Answers contains records of all completed risk assessments. Various information and links are available. Filter, download and search functions are available.

  • Administrators can view all records.
  • Team leaders can view those of their team members.
  • Regular users can only view their own records.

To access Risk Assessment Answers:

1. Login to the web portal

2. In the left hand side menu select "Review"

3. Select "Risk Assessment Answers"