GHS Web Portal - Follow-Up Process

Follow-up processes are interactive step-by-step checklists that help supervisors follow up alerts. This ensures alerts are followed up efficiently and correctly. They can be assigned to one or multiple alert types, allowing for flexibility.


When a user triggers an alert and a process is assigned to that alert type, a 'Follow-Up Process' section is added to the activity details page (underneath the activity status). They are only presented to the user's supervisors. For more information about following up an alert, click the following article: GHS Web Portal - Following Up Alerts


Processes are typically completed by the supervisor following up the alert. As steps are completed, they are marked as done. Completing a process won't automatically cancel the alert or mark the follow-up as complete. Follow-ups can be completed without completing the process.


Creating a Follow-Up Process

Admins can create and manage follow-up processes. Steps should be clear and concise.

  1. Open 'Follow-Up Processes'.
  2. Select 'New Follow-Up Process'.
  3. Add a title.
  4. Assign alert types.
  5. Add steps.
  6. Save.