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Journey Planning - Approval Process

A guide to the GetHomeSafe Approval Process feature.

If the ‘Approval Process’ feature is enabled, activity types will include a 'Requires Approval' setting. If a user selects an activity type with this setting enabled while creating an activity, the 'Start Activity' button is replaced with 'Request Approval.'

Once users have created an activity, they must name and send a request to start the activity. This request includes all details set when creating the activity. It is sent to their admins and team leaders, who can then decide whether to approve or decline the activity.


Approved activities: The activity can be started at any time.

Declined activities: The activity cannot be started.


Requested Activities

Requested activities are stored in the ‘Activities’ screen in the app, and ‘Plans & Approvals’ page in the web portal. Each activity includes a summary screen containing various information about the activity. The status of an activity can be identified by the associated icon and colours.

If Scheduling is enabled, scheduled start and finish times can be added to requested activities. This makes it a scheduled activity.


  • Awaiting Approval: The activity has been requested and is awaiting approval, it can be viewed.
  • Approved: The activity has been approved and can be started at any time (from the app or web portal).
  • Declined: The activity has been declined, no further action can be taken (from the app or web portal).


Review Process

When an approval request is sent by a user, only the users admins or team leaders can approve or decline the request. They will all receive an email. Within this is a link that allows them to approve of decline the request. The request includes all activity details.


Approving activities: The activity can be started at any time.

Declining activities: The activity cannot be started and only deleted.


Alternatively, the activity can be reviewed from the web portal.

  1. Logging into the web portal .
  2. Selecting ‘User Activities’.
  3. Opening ‘Plans & Requests‘.
  4. Select the requested activity.
  5. Underneath the activity status card, select ‘Complete Approval’.
  6. Approve or decline the request.