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GHS Vehicle Tracking

Guide to assigning vehicles to a GetHomeSafe activity.

Assigning a vehicle to a GetHomeSafe activity adds location tracking information to the map/timeline while driving. This will also allow users to trigger certain alerts from the vehicle through GetHomeSafe.

GetHomeSafe allows admins to select which of their existing fleets or groups of vehicles they would like to add to their organisation. Admins can then assign these vehicles to teams or specific users. Users can then select from these vehicles when creating a new activity.


Assigning Vehicles to a GetHomeSafe activity

From the APP

Vehicles are assigned from the pre-start screen. Click the following article for more information GHS App - Pre-start Options


From the Web Portal

Vehicles are assigned from ‘External Device & Vehicle’ section of the New Activity page. Click the following article for more information GHS Web Portal - New Activity